Category Archives: Jobs

Museum employees at the Austrian Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt

The Austrian Jewish Museum was the first Jewish museum to be founded in Austria after 1945. The main aim of the museum is to impart knowledge, to arouse interest in Judaism, but also to reduce misunderstandings and prejudices, to preserve Jewish culture and tradition and to promote new approaches to education and science. To this end, we are increasingly focusing on linking tradition, cultural heritage and living Judaism. If you share our values and would like to contribute to imparting knowledge in an interesting, modern and creative way, you are very welcome to join us.

Wolfson Chair Doctoral Fellowship in Jewish Thought, Haifa University

The Department of Jewish History and Bible of the University of Haifa is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Wolfson Chair Doctoral Fellowship in Jewish Thought for the 2024-25 academic year. The Wolfson Fellowship is designated for outstanding students registering in the departmental doctoral program and is granted for a period of four years. The annual fellowship award is in the amount of 78,000 ILS.

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Job: Research Associate for the Project “PESHAT in Context”

Application deadline: 21.05.2024, Start date: 01.11.2024, fixed until 31.12.2026

Faculty of Humanities, Department of Religions, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University Hamburg, is looking for a Research Associate for the Project “PESHAT in Context”.

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

  • research on medieval Hebrew scientific and philosophical terminology:
    • textual studies
    • input and maintenance of research data in the PESHAT database
  • coordination of collaborations with external scholars and other projects on external data input and cooperations in digital humanities
  • organization of and participation in the projects workshops and conferences, publication of research results

Job: Professur für Geschichte der Materialitäten (W2 mit Tenure Track auf W3) (w/m/d), Universität Erfurt

Bewerbungsfrist: 08.05.2024

An der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erfurt ist zum 01.10.2024 folgende Professur zu besetzen: Professur für Geschichte der Materialitäten (W2 mit Tenure Track auf W3) (w/m/d). Die Bewerberin*der Bewerber vertritt die Geschichte der Materialitäten in Forschung und Lehre. In der Lehre ist die Professur an allen Studiengängen des Historischen Seminars einschließlich der Lehramtsstudiengänge und Promotionsprogramme beteiligt und vertritt hier die mittelalterliche Geschichte.

Erwartet wird unter anderem Engagement in der Lehre und die Bereitschaft zur Kooperation mit Museen, Sammlungen und Institutionen in der Region, insbesondere hinsichtlich des jüdisch-mittelalterlichen Erbes in Erfurt.

Dr. Saul Philip Wachs Chair of Jewish Life and Learning, Gratz College

Gratz College invites applications for the Dr. Saul Philip Wachs Chair of Jewish Life and Learning. The full-time appointment is a joint administrative and tenure-track or tenured faculty (open rank) position and will commence on September 1, 2024, or shortly thereafter. The Chair intends to establish a legacy for Dr. Wachs, a longtime Gratz faculty member and former dean, noted researcher in Jewish education and Jewish textual traditions, and internationally renowned teacher and lecturer in academic and public circles.

Job: Leiter:in (w/m/d) Bereich Bildung & Vermittlung, Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt

Bewerbungsschluss: 12. April 2024

Das Jüdische Museum in Frankfurt sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine:n Leiter:in (w/m/d) für den Bereich Bildung & Vermittlung. Das Jüdische Museum in Frankfurt am Main ist das erste eigenständige Museum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, das mit dem Auftrag gegründet wurde, jüdische Kulturen in Geschichte und Gegenwart erfahrbar zu machen. Es sammelt, bewahrt und erforscht Kulturgüter und Zeugnisse, die mit der jüdischen Geschichte Frankfurts verbunden sind und vermittelt diese in einem europäischen Kontext. Mit seinen kunst- und kulturhistorischen Ausstellungen, seinen Veranstaltungen, Bildungs- und Vermittlungsprogrammen, seinen digitalen Angeboten und seiner Freude an experimentellen Formaten versteht es sich als ein Museum ohne Mauern, das sowohl international wie auch lokal agiert.

Full Professor in Jewish Studies with a Focus on Source History and Cultural History, University of Vienna

This position deals with research and teaching in all essential aspects of the culture, literature, religion and history of Judaism across its entire geographical breadth. A particular focus of this professorship lies on Jewish texts and Jewish cultural history in the context of the rabbinic period (70 to 1000 AD) which is of central importance.

Associate Professor: Department of Religious Studies, Duke University

The Department of Religious Studies at Duke University invites applications for a position at the rank of associate professor with tenure. The appointment will be in the Department of Religious Studies but is pursued in collaboration with Duke’s distinguished Center for Jewish Studies. The search committee welcomes applicants working in any field involving the study of Jewish religious culture, experience, history or thought in the modern era. The committee seeks applicants with strong evidence of commitment to scholarship and teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels, sharing the work of the department, and contributing to Jewish Studies at Duke. Applications should consist of a letter of application, current CV, and three letters of recommendation. All application materials should be uploaded at the Academic Jobs Online portal (

Continue reading Associate Professor: Department of Religious Studies, Duke University