CFA: Samuel W. and Goldye Marian Spain Postdoctoral Associate in Jewish Studies, Rice University (Houston)

The Program in Jewish Studies at Rice University in Houston, Texas, invites applications for the Samuel W. and Goldye Marian Spain Postdoctoral Associate. The appointment will be for the academic year 2025–26 (July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026), with renewal possible for a second year. Scholars from all fields of Jewish Studies will be considered, but we are especially interested in candidates whose scholarship relates to the study of antisemitism or to Israel studies.

Deadline: March 16, 2025

Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe: Jewish Heritage Seminar

According to their call, “[t]he Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe is now accepting applications for their next Jewish Heritage Seminar, to be held 24th-29th of August 2025 in Amsterdam. The seminar is intended for early-career professionals in a Jewish heritage institution in Europe, with less than 7 years of experience, or recent or current graduate students in a European university working in the field of Jewish heritage or contemplating a career in this sector.”

Deadline: 8 April 2025.

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Conference in Jewish Studies: “Belonging”

According to thier call, “[t]he Students’ Association “Sznirele Perele” operating within the Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Wrocław is pleased to announce its upcoming student and PhD candidate conference under the title “Belonging.” We invite submissions that engage with the complex concept of belonging in various disciplines, historical periods, and geographic contexts.”

Deadline: 3 March 2025.

Leo Baeck Institute: Gerald Westheimer Career Development Fellowship

According to their call, “[t]he Leo Baeck Institute is offering a Career Development Award as a personal grant to a scholar or professional in an early career stage, e.g. before gaining tenure in an academic institution or its equivalent, whose proposed work would deal with topics within the Leo Baeck Institute’s mission, namely historical or cultural issues of the Jewish experience in German-speaking lands.”

Deadline: 3 March 2025.