Symposium on “The Golden Age of Karaism”

The Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University, and the chair for Jewish culture in Islamic countries and for the study of the Genizah named after Yosef Vassil Meiser, are pleased to invite you to a symposium marking the publication of the book “The Golden Age of Karaism. A Hebrew Anthology of Karaite Literature from the Ninth to the Twelfth Centuries”.

The event will take place on Monday, November 11, 2024, in Room 496, Gilman Building, at Tel Aviv University and will also be recorded and broadcast live. The event will be held in Hebrew.

Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, San Diego, CA March 16-17

The Western Jewish Studies Association Conference has sent a call for papers and panels “in all areas of Jewish Studies regardless of discipline, geographical focus, or period. Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars of Jewish Studies are invited to submit proposals for papers, panels, and roundtable discussions. Paper proposals should be no longer than one double-spaced typed page and should be submitted with a short CV.  Organizers of panels and roundtable discussions should submit a cover sheet with the title of the session, the titles and abstracts for each paper, bios and presenter contact information. A few hotel cost stipends are available for graduate students.  There may be more substantial travel stipends for a few Israeli presenters.”

Deadline: 15 November 2024.

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Theology and Religious Studies

According the their call, “the Flemish Research Council (FWO) awards postdoctoral fellowships to exceptional candidates in all academic fields. Postdoctoral fellows conduct their research at a Flemish university or research institute (‘Host Institution’). The Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the KU Leuven is now inviting expressions of interest from excellent candidates who intend to apply for a FWO postdoctoral fellowship during the 2024/25 academic year and would like the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the KU Leuven, Belgium, to act as their Host Institution.”

Deadline: 2 December 2024.