Call for Papers: Tracing Jewish Histories – The Long Lives of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts, Judaica, and Architecture

Submission deadline Feb. 27, 2025

The Courtauld Institute of Art and Case Western Reserve University are delighted to jointly host the two-day symposium Tracing Jewish Histories on 19-20 May 2025. The call for papers is now open, and submissions are due on 27 February 2025.

Works of art and architecture made by or for Jewish communities in the medieval period are often examined through the lenses of persecution and expulsion, or are contrasted against Christian or Muslim “styles.” This symposium seeks to expand and nuance these narratives in order to highlight how works of art and architecture can uniquely trace the history of particular Jewish communities by mapping their movements and traditions across generations and geographies. Medieval Jewish objects and spaces can also serve as loci to examine ideas related to collective memory and cultural identity. To that end, the symposium seeks to open new dialogues regarding the “afterlives” of medieval Jewish art writ large, initiating discussions regarding the ways in which works of art and architecture continued to bear witness to the richness of Jewish life and culture long after they were created.

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Maria Stürzebecher (December 6, 2024). Call for Papers: Tracing Jewish Histories – The Long Lives of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts, Judaica, and Architecture. medievalJewishStudiesNow! Retrieved January 18, 2025 from

About Maria Stürzebecher

I am the curator of the Museum Old Synagogue in Erfurt and scientific coordinator for the UNESCO World Heritage application Jewish-Medieval Heritage in Erfurt. Since 2012, I am editing the series "Erfurter Schriften zur Jüdischen Geschichte"; in 2020, the 6th volume "Ritual Objects in Ritual Contexts." was published. I studied History of Arts, Archaeology, Sociology and History and wrote my PhD thesis about the medieval Erfurt Treasure, which was published in 2009 entitled „Der Schatzfund aus der Erfurter Michaelisstrasse – Mittelalterliche Goldschmiedearbeiten als Zeugnisse jüdischen Lebens in Erfurt“.