Visit the exhibition “Into the Expanse. Aspects of Jewish Life in Germany.” until 15 August in Cologne

Only until 15 August the exhibition “Into the Expanse” can be seen at the Kolumba Museum in Cologne! Also on display many medieval exhibits such as the Amsterdam Machsor or fragments of the bima from the Cologne synagogue.

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Maria Stürzebecher (July 16, 2022). Visit the exhibition “Into the Expanse. Aspects of Jewish Life in Germany.” until 15 August in Cologne. medievalJewishStudiesNow! Retrieved January 18, 2025 from

About Maria Stürzebecher

I am the curator of the Museum Old Synagogue in Erfurt and scientific coordinator for the UNESCO World Heritage application Jewish-Medieval Heritage in Erfurt. Since 2012, I am editing the series "Erfurter Schriften zur Jüdischen Geschichte"; in 2020, the 6th volume "Ritual Objects in Ritual Contexts." was published. I studied History of Arts, Archaeology, Sociology and History and wrote my PhD thesis about the medieval Erfurt Treasure, which was published in 2009 entitled „Der Schatzfund aus der Erfurter Michaelisstrasse – Mittelalterliche Goldschmiedearbeiten als Zeugnisse jüdischen Lebens in Erfurt“.