Religion Compass, an online journal from Wiley, is seeking to expand its content in premodern Judaism. Religion Compass publishes original, peer-reviewed survey articles from across the entire discipline which summarize the state of the field for non-specialists. Compass articles are usually commissioned, but we will consider submissions from the field. They can discuss recent research or debates in a field, provide a comparative look across boundaries/disciplines, or offer a fresh perspective on a controversial topic.
Religion Compass is designed to help all academics and advanced students involved in teaching and research to:
- Teach in a new or unfamiliar area
- Keep up with developments in your own field and areas related to it
- Ensure that students are exposed only to quality-controlled online content
If you are interested in pitching an article on a topic related to global premodern Judaism or Jewish cultures, please contact the Section Editor, Sarah Ifft Decker ( with a proposed title and short abstract, so we can work together on framing the article appropriately for the journal. Articles are usually 3500-5000 words, and Religion Compass can offer a quick turnaround from submission to publication (as little as 3 months).

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Maya Soifer Irish (January 27, 2023). Call for Articles: Premodern Judaism in Religion Compass. medievalJewishStudiesNow! Retrieved February 15, 2025 from