I am the curator of the Museum Old Synagogue in Erfurt and scientific coordinator for the UNESCO World Heritage application Jewish-Medieval Heritage in Erfurt. Since 2012, I am editing the series "Erfurter Schriften zur Jüdischen Geschichte"; in 2020, the 6th volume "Ritual Objects in Ritual Contexts." was published. I studied History of Arts, Archaeology, Sociology and History and wrote my PhD thesis about the medieval Erfurt Treasure, which was published in 2009 entitled „Der Schatzfund aus der Erfurter Michaelisstrasse – Mittelalterliche Goldschmiedearbeiten als Zeugnisse jüdischen Lebens in Erfurt“.
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The Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University, and the chair for Jewish culture in Islamic countries and for the study of the Genizah named after Yosef Vassil Meiser, are pleased to invite you to a symposium marking the publication of the book “The Golden Age of Karaism. A Hebrew Anthology of Karaite Literature from the Ninth to the Twelfth Centuries”.
The event will take place on Monday, November 11, 2024, in Room 496, Gilman Building, at Tel Aviv University and will also be recorded and broadcast live. The event will be held in Hebrew.
CONTENTS: Jews, Lordship, and the Experience of Power in Early Eleventh Century France — Tzafrir Barzilay Celebrating St Melor at Amesbury Priory — Anne Bagnall Yardley Magistrae of the Beguines of Valenciennes and Their Social Networks — Huanan Lu Race, Skin Colour, Enslavement and Sexuality in the Late Medieval Mediterranean — Michelle Armstrong-Partida A Local Translation in a Global World: Odoric of Pordenone, William of Solagna, and a Giant Tortoise in Fourteenth-Century Padua — Philippa Byrne The Tournament at Saint-Inglevert (1390): Chivalry, Diplomacy and Pas d’armes — Craig Taylor
Read the new Post of the Genizah Research Unit with the Fragment of the Month September 2024: Unraveling a Genizah Mystery: New Insights into Saadia Gaon’s Biblical Commentary and Anti-Karaite Polemic by Yehuda Seewald
Eds. Bar Kribus, Zaroui Pogossian and Alexandra Cuffel (Arc Humanities Press, September 2024)
This book demonstrates the potential of material culture, including artworks and archaeological finds, to shed new light on Jewish-Christian interaction in medieval and early modern times. Previous studies have focused on areas where Jews lived as a minority under Christian rule, such as in Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire. This book, on the other hand, explores the eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia, the Red Sea and India, where Jews and Christians interacted on a different footing.
The site of the long-destroyed medieval synagogue in York is now marked with a classic Blue Plaque denoting a historic location. It is the first blue plaque marking Jewish heritage in York.
Jews in Slovenia in the Middle-Ages is exploring the medieval Jewish history of Carinthia, Styria, Carniola, Gorizia County, Trieste and northern Venetian Istria. The description starts with the Antiquity, including the treatment of Aquileia, and ends with the expulsion of Jews from Carinthia and Styria in 1496 and from Carniola in 1515. The book is covering the topic thoroughly with the examination of all the available sources and literature writing about them until the present day. It is an indispensable work for all those trying to understand the medieval Jewish history of Southeastern Alps, Inner Austria and Slovenia.
Klemen Jelinčič Boeta, PhD, graduated at the universities of Tel Aviv and Ljubljana and wrote a series of books in Jewish studies in Slovenian (Kratka zgodovina Judov, ‘Short History of Jews’, Judje na Slovenskem, ‘Jews of Slovenia’, Judje na Slovenskem v srednjem veku, ‘Jews in Slovenia in Middle-Ages’, in Uvod v judovstvo, ‘Introduction to Judaism’, 2009-2010), as well as papers on medieval Jewish experience in Slovenian lands, both in Slovenian and English. He also wrote the books Vzhodne cerkve na kratko, ‘Eastern Churches in Brief’ (2015) and Protestantske cerkve in skupnosti, ‘Protestant Churches and Communities’ (2018), both in Slovenian, followed by Languages and Peoples of Europe (2021), published in Slovenian and English versions.
Even if it is already September: read the new Post of the Genizah Research Unit with the Fragment of the Month August 2024: Illuminating an Illuminated Islamic Document: The Twin Arts of Calligraphy and Embroidery in Fatimid Egypt: T-S K10.12 by Nick Posegay