All posts by Thomas Kollatz

About Thomas Kollatz

I am a staff member of the Digital Academy of the Academy of Science and Literature | Mainz and as such participating in various humanities projects, most recently in the long-term project Buber Korrespondenzen digital. Since 2002 I have been developing the research platform for Jewish epigraphy aka as epidat. I studied religious studies in Heidelberg and Amsterdam and then Semitic languages. After graduating, I worked as a project assistant in the Jewish Studies Department at the University of Potsdam, at the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute for German-Jewish History in Essen and at the Chair of Computer Philology in Würzburg.

Webinar on eScriptorium: Hebrew Handwritten Text Recognition

eScriptorium is an automatic transcription tool for Handwritten Text Recognition.

The results of the transcription tool are quite impressive. In the webinar by Peter Stokes, the use of eScriptorium is demonstrated using the example of a complex medieval Hebrew manuscript. Questions were answered by Peter Stokes and his colleagues Daniel Stoekl ben Ezra and lead developer Robin Tissot.

The webinar was hosted by Leibniz Institute of European History in Mainz.