Category Archives: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: The Power of Asymmetry or the Struggle for Truth: Invective Practices in Premodern Europe

07.10.2024 – 09.10.2024, Prague

Submission Deadline: 15.03.2024

Researchers from various disciplines are invited to submit proposals for 30-minute papers on the subject of invective practices in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.

When it comes to constituting and maintaining social cohesion, contemporary political discourse usually warns against social polarization and division, while also invoking values such as solidarity and cooperation. From an analytical point of view, however, the roots of human communities are more diverse and contradictory. A group may have come into being by command or consensus, by contract or propaganda, by necessity or kinship, by all at the same time, or in another way altogether. Particularly effective are such concepts that enable a group to recognize and determine itself through some kind of conflict with others. The “we” is thus often constituted in demarcation and in contrast to “the other(s)”.
This mechanism of communication was also decisive in premodern Europe, from the Middle Ages to the early modern period. It can be observed in ever-changing constellations, from the confrontation between orthodox believers and “heretics” to the humanists’ vituperation and the Enlightenment’s contempt towards the common people. The manifold patterns of intercommunitary disparagement will be the focus of the planned conference.

Call for Papers: Jews in Krakow: History and Culture. Krakow, Sept. 23-25, 2024

Submission deadline: April 15, 2024

In 1986 the first academic institution in post-war Poland devoted to the study of the history of Jews – The Research Center on the History and Culture of Jews in Poland at the Jagiellonian University – opened in Krakow. Today the city, with its numerous academic and cultural institutions, is one of the most thriving centers of Jewish studies in Central Europe.

The abundant literature on Krakow’s Jewry is written in many languages (mainly Polish, English, Hebrew, and German), which reflects the international character of the research. Numerous research projects pertinent to various aspects of the history of Jews in Krakow have been conducted in recent decades. The conference will serve as a platform for researchers from various centers and academic backgrounds to meet. Organisers invite papers engaging with any aspects of the history and culture of Krakow’s Jewry, from the Middle Ages to today: social, religious, political and economic history; cultural, literary and everyday life; history of Jewish institutions, biographies, and commemorations of Krakow Jewry.

Writing Jewish Masculinities across the Middle East and the North Africa

This collection will offer a pioneering perspective on Jewish masculinities, significantly enriching our understanding of the intricate intersections of aging, gender, and migration. Our goal is to publish these contributions in an edited volume through Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Venice University Press, ensuring rigorous peer review for scholarly excellence.

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The Girona International Research Workshop on the Kabbalah of Catalonia, 6–8 May 2024

The Instituto de Estudios Judíos Barcelona (EJB), in collaboration with the Universitat de Girona  (Catedra Ferrater Mora de pensament Contemporani), Institut d`Estudis Nahmànides, and Paideia (European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden),  is pleased to announce the inauguration of the Girona International Research Workshop on the Kabbalah of Catalonia, scheduled to take place from May 6 to May 8, 2024.

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Jewish Law Association (JLA) Conference, Harvard 19-21 August, 2024

The Jewish Law Association is seeking papers on the topic of Canon, Authority, and the Creation of Halakhah. The JLA International 2024 Conference will take place at the Harvard Law School and will be co-hosted by the Julis-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli Law. This conference seeks to expose and to explore the myriad ways that ideas, definitions, and rhetoric of canon and authority provide the impression of inevitability in halakhic decision-making. We aim to explore both the ways in which halakhic decision-making establishes ideas of canonicity (what is “inside” what is “outside” the canon) and the ways in which the establishment of a canon, as well as its sometimes-unclarified border, shapes halakhic decision-making. We seek papers that interrogate a variety of historical periods (ancient to contemporary), geographic locations, genres and literatures from a wide range of academic perspectives. We also encourage papers that tackle these questions from a pedagogical perspective.

Mobilität, Migration, Verwurzelung. Jüdische Siedlungsgeschichte in Schwaben, 13–15 Juni 2024, Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Tagungszentrum Stuttgart- Hohenheim

Der Arbeitskreis Jüdisches Schwaben (AKJS) am Institut für Geschichtliche Landeskunde und Historische Hilfswissenschaften der Universität Tübingen; Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Fachbereich Geschichte, veranstaltet folgende Tagung:

Continue reading Mobilität, Migration, Verwurzelung. Jüdische Siedlungsgeschichte in Schwaben, 13–15 Juni 2024, Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Tagungszentrum Stuttgart- Hohenheim

The Significance of Scepticism in Philosophy, Judaism, and Culture, Summer School, Hamburg 16–19 July 2024

The value of scepticism in philosophy has been judged in different ways throughout history. To name but a few examples: Pyrrhonists conceived of scepticism as a means of reaching happiness, while later philosophers, especially in early modern times, came to equate a sceptical attitude with an incurable malady.

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Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, Tempe, AZ, 5–6 May 2024

Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars of Jewish Studies are invited to submit proposals for papers, panels, and roundtable discussions Paper proposals should be no longer than one double- spaced typed page and should be submitted with a short CV that contains contact information. Organizers of panels and roundtable discussions should submit a cover sheet with the title of the session, the titles and abstracts for each paper and bios and contact information of the participants. Individuals wishing to chair a session should indicate their area of expertise and submit a short CV. A few partial travel stipends are available for graduate students and overseas scholars presenting at the conference. The conference will be primarily in-person, though there will be one entirely virtual panel in each morning time slot reserved for overseas presenters. . Deadline for submission of proposals is January 6, 2024.

Contact Information Laurie Baron
Contact Email

Cornell University Jewish Studies Graduate Conference 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Jewish Studies Program at Cornell University is seeking papers for its inaugural graduate student conference, MAKING SPACE: Peopling and Placing the Matter of Jewish Studies. This graduate-organized conference aims to bring together student research that contributes to interdisciplinary approaches to Jewish studies through the “making of space for new ways of addressing history and giving voice to marginalized and minoritized identities and experiences”. Relevant topics and subfields include critical historiography, ethnography, cultural geography, media studies, material culture studies, and gender and feminist studies. The Call for Papers is available online.

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