Category Archives: Conferences

Conference: Jewish Cemeteries in Premodern Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

08.09.2024 – 11.09.2024, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen

Internationale Auftakttagung des Akademienprojekts „Steinerne Zeugen digital. Deutsch-jüdische Sepulkralkultur zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne – Raum, Form, Inschrift“.

Im vergangenen Jahr hat das Langzeitvorhaben „Steinerne Zeugen digital. Deutsch-jüdische Sepulkralkultur zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne – Raum, Form, Inschrift“ im Forschungsprogramm der deutschen Wissenschaftsakademien die Arbeit aufgenommen. Es wird vom Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Institut für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte an der Universität Duisburg-Essen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Professur für Judaistik und dem Kompetenzzentrum Denkmalwissenschaften und Denkmaltechnologien der Universität Bamberg durchgeführt und von Lucia Raspe, Mona Hess und Susanne Talabardon gemeinsam geleitet.

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Sessions on Collecting and Displaying Medieval Jewish Artefacts and Heritage at IMC 2024 in Leeds

Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 15:15 – 19:00 (GMT +1), Leeds University and online

Session Number 1202 – Collecting and Displaying Medieval Jewish Artefacts and Heritage, I (Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 15:15 – 16:45)

1202-a – The Alienation of Medieval Jewish Manuscripts from German Public Collections, 1945-1960

William Diebold, Reed College, Oregon

1202-b – The Seder Plates that Weren’t

Julie Harris, Independent Scholar

1202-c – A Medieval Jewish Prayer Book in Texas

Diane Wolfthal, Rice University, Houston, Texas

Session Number 1302 – Collecting and Displaying Medieval Jewish Artefacts and Heritage, II (Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 17:30 – 19:00)

1302-a – The John Rylands Library’s Hebrew Manuscript Collection and Its Audiences

Zsofia Buda, University of Manchester

1302-b – The Art of Reframing the Narrative: Jewish Material Culture in an Encyclopedic Museum

Abigail H. Meyer, Touro University, New York

1302-c – Renewing the Middle Ages at the ANU Museum, Tel Aviv

Simona di Nepi, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts

For more lectures and sessions on Medieval Jewish Studies brows the IMC Programme.

Sessions on Jewish Conversion at IMC 2024 in Leeds

Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 15:15 – 19:005 (GMT +1), Leeds University and online

Session Number 725 – Crisis of Faith, I: The Impact of Jewish Conversion on Individuals and Families (Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 15:15 – 16:45)

725-a – Pressburg 1438: The Cases of the Jewish Aunt and the Unbaptised Christian

Eveline Brugger, Institut für jüdische Geschichte Österreichs, St Pölten

725-b – Gender and Inter-Religious Conflicts in the Medieval Family

Ahuva Liberles, Tel Aviv University

725-c – The Mass Conversions of 1391: The Immediate Impact on Individuals Paola Tartakoff, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Session Number 825 – Crisis of Faith, II: Conversion, Apostasy, and Martyrdom in Jewish-Christian Interreligious Conflicts (Tuesday, 2 July 2024, 17:30 – 19:00)

825-a – The London Thirteen, Revisited: Crises of Faith in the 1280s

Adrienne Williams Boyarin, University of Victoria, British Columbia

825-b – Forced Conversion and the Elements of Resistance Myth: Memory and the Rhineland Martyrs

Emilie Amar-Zifkin, University of Toronto

825-c – Mongols, Apocalyptic Messianism, and Later Medieval Christian Fears of Mass Conversion to Judaism Irven Resnick, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

For more lectures and sessions on Medieval Jewish Studies brows the IMC Programme.

Creating Holiness – Books, Scrolls and Icons as Carriers of Sacredness, 17-20th June International Conference, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz

From June 17-20, the international conference “Creating Holiness” will bring together researchers from across the world to discuss questions of what turns a book – or an icon of the Eastern churches – into a sacred object in Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist cultures, and how sacredness is connected to the material.

Algerian Jewry Through the Ages, 26 September 2024

The Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East wishes to hold an academic conference on Algerian Jewry through the ages. The conference will be dedicated to new research on this unique community, and to presenting a broad picture of its rich history and culture, of the deep changes the community has undergone in recent generations, and of its present. The conference will include a special session dedicated to the thought and activity of the late Rabbi Samuel René Sirat (1930-2023), on the second anniversary of his death.