You can now read the new article by Andreas Lehnardt, “Eine jüdische Grabsteinspolie aus den Professorenhäusern in Mainz,” Mainzer Zeitschrift 118/119 (2023/24): 235–36, with edition and translation of a newly found Hebrew epitaph from medieval Mainz.
Category Archives: Publications
Andreas Weber: Die Nürnberger Judengemeinde 1349–1499 (Book Review)
You can now read thre German book reivew by Till Strobl about Andreas Weber, Die Nürnberger Judengemeinde 1349–1499. Politische Handlungsspielräume jüdischer Akteure im Spätmittelalter (Nuremberg, 2022).
Review essay by Marc Herman published in “Tradition:” “Maimonides in Panoramic View: New Studies of the Great Eagle” (open access)

New Book: Dorothea Weltecke, Die drei Ringe
Read now the new book by Dorothea Weltecke, Die drei Ringe. Warum die Religionen erst im Mittelalter entstanden sind (C.H. Beck, 2024).
Journal Médiévales 86 / 2024: L’inclusion politique des juifs en Occident. Appartenir à la cité, faire communauté
The current issue of the magazine médiévales focuses on the political integration of Jews in Western Europe, their affiliation to the city and the formation of a community.
Marzena Zawanowska: Holy Tongue or Conventional Language
You can now read the new article by Marzena Zawanowska, “Holy Tongue or Conventional Language: The Concept and Status of the Hebrew Language among Medieval Karaite Jews,” Journal of Semitic Studies.
Review of Ivan G. Marcus, “How the West Became Antisemitic”
You can now read Francois Soyer’s review of Ivan G. Marcus’ How the West Became Antisemitic: Jews and the Formation of Europe, 800–1500 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2024) via H-Net Reviews.
Review of Ephraim Shoham-Steiner: “Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe”
You can now read a German review by Christian Scholl of Ephraim Shoham-Steiner’s book Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe in Das Mittelalter.
Review of “Archéologie du judaïsme en Europe,” eds Paul Salmona, Philippe Blanchard, and Amélie Sagasser
Read now Michael Studemund-Halévy’s review of Archéologie du judaïsme en Europe, eds Paul Salmona, Philippe Blanchard, and Amélie Sagasser (Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2023) via Francia Recensio.
A Newly Discovered Binding Fragment of Talmud Yerushalmi Shevuot
Read this new article by Menachem Katz and David Golinkin about “A Newly Discovered Binding Fragment of Talmud Yerushalmi Shevuot,” The Vatican Library Review 3 (2024) 189–203.