Claude Denjean (Perpignan)
Paola Ferruta (Paris-Aubervilliers/Berlin)
Pierre Savy (École française de Rome)

Claude Denjean (Perpignan)
Paola Ferruta (Paris-Aubervilliers/Berlin)
Pierre Savy (École française de Rome)
The Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (MCAS) at Universität Hamburg now welcomes applications for various fellowships in 2022/23, when they “will examine the role of scepticism in limitations of faith and then turn the question inside out and examine what happens when scepticism becomes its own object.”
Deadline: 10 December 2021
On 9 December 2021 at 20:00 – 21:00 EET, Nadia Vidro will talk about “Saadya Gaon, scholar and communal leader of Babylonian Jewry, and his groundbreaking writings on the Jewish calendar” at the Institute of Jewish Studies UCL.
With essays by: Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, Anna Busa, Vered Raziel-Kretzmer, Roberta Tonnarelli, Mauro Perani, Mark Farnadi-Jerusálmi, Saverio Campanini, J. H. Yossi Chajes, Emma Abate, Justine Isserles.
For thirteen years now, phd candidates and postdocs affiliated with the Hebrew paleography chair at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris, held by Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, have convened a one-day symposium on Hebrew palaeography and codicology. This year’s symposium will be held exclusively on line on Monday, 6th December, from 9am to 7.10pm, Paris time. It will deal with Jewish communal registers, its materiality, scripts, historical significance, provenance and problems of definition. Keynote papers will be given by Javier Castaño (CSIC, Madrid) and Mauro Perani (Bolonia). Speakers include Annegret Holtmann Mares, Esperança Valls Pujol, Evgeniya Zarubina, Yoel Finkelman, Gershon Hundert, Adam Teller, Yisrael Bartal, Mikołaj Wojciechowski, Sykstus Pfajfer, Jérémie Allouche, Elena Lolli, Elena Barile and Antonio Spagnuolo.
In his new book “”Die Grabstätten meiner Väter: Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Wien” (Böhlau, 2021), Tim Corbett examines Vienna Jewish cemeteries from the Middle Ages until today.
The book launch takes place on 2 December 2021 at 16:00 (CET). To attend, please register by 30 November with Juliane Fink,
The Tauber Institute welcomes applications for an up to 5,000$ grant for graduate students in the field of Jewish Studies. Eligible are “all students enrolled in a graduate program at a university in the U.S.”
Deadline: 10 December 2021
This article “discusses how distributivity-like properties appeared in medieval Hebrew mathematical texts. It examines works by Gersonides, Alfonso de Valladolid, Eliezer Komtino and Elijah Mizrahi.”
On 24 November 2021 Christoph Cluse will speak in German about the perception of the ShUM communities as “Holy Communities” in the Middle Ages. The talk will start at 18:30 CET.
Join the talk here:
Meeting-ID: 841 0251 9115
Kenncode: AY6xS7
The lecture will take place on Nov. 30, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. (German time) via Zoom.
In 2007, an archaeological survey was conducted on the site of today’s restaurant Cognito, documenting a circular wall that initially posed many mysteries. The study of the written sources revealed a trace that was not initially considered due to the size of the structure: The Jewish community bakery is documented right here in 1407. The uncovered finding is the largest baking oven that has been excavated in Germany so far! The lecture will present other commercial bakeries in Erfurt, both from surviving sources and archaeological excavations.
Continue reading Lecture by Karin Sczech “A Medieval Jewish Bakery in Erfurt?” (in German)