Closed since 2001 and reopened very occasionally for visits until 2017, the so called Maison Sublime will be accessible to the public again from the first quarter of 2022.
Monthly Archives: December 2021
Special Issue of Medieval Encounters, 27 (2021) “Money Matters: Individuals, Communities and Everyday Economic Interactions between Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe “
Lecture by Hanna Liss about “Teaching in Tiny Letters: What Bible Illustrations reveal about the Jewish Curriculum in the High Middle Ages”
This talk at the University of Münster will take place on 12 January, 2022 at 18:00 CET.
To register write to
Assistant Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies
“The Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies of New York University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position specializing in any aspect of Jewish history from the eighth through the eighteenth centuries. The appointment will begin on September 1, 2022, pending administrative and budgetary approval. The appointee must have completed all requirements for the doctoral degree by February 15, 2022. All candidates are expected to teach two courses per semester, one undergraduate and one graduate.”
Deadline: January 1, 2022
Belonging: Jews, Christians and Civic Identity in Medieval Europe (Virtual Intl. Conference), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3-5 January 2022
Organizers: Elisheva Baumgarten, Hannah Teddy Schachter, Annika Funke, and the Beyond the Elite research team
The aim of the conference is to consider Christian-Jewish relations regarding matters of citizenship and civic identity in medieval urban spaces. To this end, we wish to present a wide range of sources and different approaches to analyze the ways in which Jews and others could be considered citizens of their towns. Particular questions of interest are: How did being a citizen of any given place influence people’s identity, belonging or way of life? Which privileges and obligations come with Jewish citizenship and how does that compare to that of Christians? What was the relationship of people to their towns and fellow townsmen and to the town authorities that governed? We will discuss social manifestations of medieval citizenship and identity in urban v. rural settings and landscapes, as well as performative and ideological acts of civic participation and belonging.
Lecture “Illuminated Hebrew Manuscripts: From Ashkenaz to America”
Keynote address by Adam S. Cohen (University of Toronto) and Sharon Liberman Mintz (Jewish Theological Seminary Library) on Thursday, January 13, 5:30 p.m. (EST) at the conference “Power, Patronage, and Production: Book Arts from Central Europe (ca. 800–1500) in American Collections” sponsored by Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology, in association with the Morgan Library (and others) – January 13-15, 2022.
New publication: Sara Offenberg
“Illuminating the Account of Creation (Ma’aseh Breshit) in Hebrew Manuscripts from Ashkenaz,” in: Reading the Bible in the Pre-Modern World: Interpretation, Performance and Image, eds. Chanita Goodblatt and Howard Kreisel, Ben-Gurion University Press 2021, pp. 257-304
Follow the Numbers: Documenting Medieval Hebrew Mathematics
by Roy Wagner
ETH Zürich
Dep. of Humanities, Social and Pol.Sc.
Medieval mathematics was a field spanning a wide range of knowledge from commercial calculations to high theory and from the practical and recreational to the philosophical and mystical. In the Mediterranean area, it was a cross-cultural endeavor, circulating in oral and written forms in Arabic, Latin and vernacular languages. The migration of Jews across different language environments in the Middle Ages gave rise to a substantial corpus of Hebrew mathematics, which included some original contributions and served as a link between Islamicate and Christian-European knowledge communities.
The Mispar (literally, number, project emerged from Naomi Aradi’s PhD dissertation on medieval Hebrew arithmetic. During her PhD, Naomi performed an almost unimaginable feat: she transcribed the corpus of an entire mathematical culture – practically all that survives of medieval Hebrew arithmetic (ca. 40 treatises, ca. 2000 manuscript pages). This, combined with some innovative digital tools, allows us to ask new questions about mathematics as a field of knowledge and as a culture.
Continue reading Follow the Numbers: Documenting Medieval Hebrew MathematicsNew Issue of Jewish Studies Quarterly, vol. 28, no.4
New Podcast
In the New Books in Jewish Studies Podcast within the New Books Network, Menachem Kellner presents his book “We are not alone. A Maimonedian Theology of the Other” in an interview.