This is the earliest printed Haggadah, the only copy in the world. Printed in square, unpunctuated letters only 12 years prior to the exile of the Jews from Spain, this Haggadah is unique evidence of the high technological level of printing among medieval Spanish Jews.
Monthly Archives: April 2022
Virtual Talk by Katrin Kogman-Appel “The Bookcases of the Sullam Family Dynamics of Book Collecting in Mantua, c. 1600” April 24, 12:15 Israel Time
Prof. Katrin Kogman Appel
Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Jewish Studies, Westfälische
Wilhelms Universität Münster
April 24 , 2022
12:15 Israel TimeZOOM
https us 02 web zoom us/j/ 84051528024
ID 840 5152 8024
To be (dis)continued. New Perspectives on the Entanglements of Gender, Sexualities, and Jewishness
This workshop of the Research Group Gender/Queer and Jewish Studies at the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg in cooperation with the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany takes place in Berlin between 20 June 2023 and 23 June 2023.
“Variations in the Haggadah Text” – a New Post on the Genizah Research Unit Blog
Read this post from issue 55 of the printed edition of Genizah Fragments, published in April 2008, by Stefan C. Reif.
Interview with Michael Carasik about his Book “The Commentator’s Bible”
Listen to this interview in the New Books Network.
New Blogpost via the Genizah Research Unit about “The Bible under microscope”
This new post is an interview with Nehemia Gordon.
52nd Koldewey Conference, Strasbourg 25 – 29 May 2022: Sacred Buildings as ‘Speaking’ Witnesses of Jewish History (Sakralbauten als ‘sprechende’ Zeugen jüdischer Geschichte)
The 52nd Koldewey Conference, which will take place in Strasbourg from 25 to 29 May 2022, will deal with sacred buildings as ‘speaking’ witnesses of Jewish history. Medieval buildings will also be discussed, in the lectures by Stefanie Fuchs (Sprechen Mikwen? Bauforschung, Archäologie und weitere Quellen zu mittelalterlichen jüdischen Ritualbädern im deutschen Sprachraum), Ulrich Klein (Die Ausgrabung der mittelalterlichen Synagoge von Marburg), Christian Kayser (Lebendes Wasser und sprechende Steine. Die Mikwe von Worms) and Carla Heym (Die mittelalterliche Synagoge in Rouffach)
You can join online:
Meeting-ID: 632 0941 0270
Kenncode: 061926
Book Launch – Poisoned Wells: Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422 (University of Pennsylvania Press)
By Tzafrir Barzilay
Sponsored by the research group Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe
Elisheva Baumgarten, HUJI
Moshe Blidstein, University of Haifa
Rowan Dorin (Stanford University ), Naama Cohen-Hanegbi (Tel-Aviv University), Lee Mordechai (HUJI), Tzafrir Barzilay (University of Haifa)
Monday, April 25th, 2022
Rabin Building, Room 3001
Mount Scopus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Judaica: Neue Folge 3 (2022) is Out
This digital volume features a review essay by Hans-Jörg Gilomen on Magda Teter’s book Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress, 2020.
Taft Research Center Post Doc Fellowship
The Charles Phelps Taft Research Center at the University of Cincinnati (UC) has opened up a call that also applies for scholars of medieval Jewish Studies.
Deadline: 8 April 2022