Monthly Archives: August 2022

Exhibition Open: The Jews Of Corfu: Between The Adriatic & The Ionian, Sept 7, 2022 5:00 – 8:00 PM (ET)

Join for the opening of a unique exhibition, situated at both Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, featuring the colorful and storied histories of the Jews of Corfu, known to have lived in Corfu by the 12th century.

5:00-6:00: Welcome and reception at Columbia University (Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
6:45-7:45: Welcome and introductory remarks at the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary (3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027)

New Article: Jews of medieval Norwich

Published today in Current Biology, and summarised in The Independent, this article concludes that seventeen skeletons which were discovered in a well in Norwich in 2004 are the remains of medieval Jewish inhabitants. Drawing on DNA techniques which were not available to the original investigators (for the original investigation see the BBC documentary below), the authors claim to be able to demonstrate that these are, indeed, the remains of the Jewish inhabitants of the town who they suggest were murdered in February 1190 during the anti-Jewish attacks which swept England after Richard I’s coronation on 3 September 1189.