Edited by Sarah Davis-Secord, Belen Vicens, and Robin Vose
The book contains several chapters that touch on medieval Jewish history – by Thomas Burman, Ryan Szpiech, Ana Echevarria, Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, and Teofilo Ruiz.
Edited by Sarah Davis-Secord, Belen Vicens, and Robin Vose
The book contains several chapters that touch on medieval Jewish history – by Thomas Burman, Ryan Szpiech, Ana Echevarria, Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, and Teofilo Ruiz.
25.08.2022, 19:30, Old Synagogue Erfurt
The lecture questions the report of Salomos bar Simson on the persecution of the Jews in Trier in 1096 with regard to its topographical statements and, against this background, presents the urban structure of a cathedral city that continues to be shaped by its ancient legacies.
In a recent episode of The Medieval Podcast, Tzafrit Barzilay speaks about well-poisoning accusations of lepers and Jews in 14th and 15th century Europe.
23 September 2022 in Chemnitz Town Hall
PROGRAMM (deutsch/german)
Freitag, 23. September 2022
9.00 Uhr Begrüßung: Michael Stötzer, Bürgermeister Stadtentwicklung und Bau, Stadt Chemnitz
9.30 Uhr Grußworte: Markus Franke, Abteilungsleiter Kunst, Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Tourismus; Dr. Ruth Röcher, Vorsitzende der Jüdischen Gemeinde Chemnitz
10.00 Uhr Einführung in die Thematik: Dr. Regina Smolnik, Landesarchäologin des Freistaates Sachsen
10.15 Uhr Archivrecherche zu Juden in Chemnitz: Stephan Weingart, ehrenamtlicher Beauftragter für Denkmalpflege in Chemnitz
10.30 Uhr Die Mikwe in Chemnitz: Mag. Peter Hiptmair, Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen
10.50 Uhr Einbeziehung der Mikwe in den Neubau: Uwe Schumann, bhss-architekten GmbH, Leipzig
11.20 Uhr Fragerunde
11.30 Uhr Kaffeepause
11.50 Uhr Konservierung und Restaurierung erdberührender Bauwerke aus Naturstein-und Ziegelmauerwerk anhand von Fallbeispielen: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Löther, Institutfür Diagnostik und Konservierung an Denk-malen in Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt e. V. /Dipl.-Rest. Stefan Reuther, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen
12.20 Uhr Konservatorische Probleme mit den Anlagenin Worms, Speyer und Friedberg: Dr. Michael Auras, Institut für Steinkonservierung e. V., Mainz
12.50 Uhr Mittagspause
14.00 Uhr Mittelalterliche Mikwen in Thüringen: Erfurt, Schmalkalden und Sondershausen: Dr. Karin Sczech, Beauftragte für das UNESCO-Welterbe in Erfurt
14.20 Uhr Die Monumentalmikwe des mittelalterlichen jüdischen Viertels in Köln: 66 Jahre Ausgrabung, Erforschung und Präsentation: Dr. Tanja Potthoff, MiQua. LVR-Jüdisches Museum im Archäologischen Quartier Köln
14.40 Uhr Die Entwicklung des jüdischen Ritualbads in der Neuzeit: Dr. Katrin Keßler, Bet Tfila – Forschungsstelle für jüdische Architektur in Europa
15.00 Uhr Kaffeepause
15.20 Uhr Fachdiskussion
Registration is requested by 16 September 2022 by e-mail to info@lfa.sachsen.de
Read now Dennis Mizzi’s article about “A late medieval synagogue at Ḥuqoq/Yaquq in Galilee?” in Levant. The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant.
The Department of History and the Program in Judaic Studies at Brown University invite applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Jewish History with a primary focus on the Islamic World (broadly conceived), including Jewish-Muslim relations, in any period prior to the First World War.
The Rosalie Katchen Travel Award 2022 of the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute is now open for applications. You can apply if you are a junior scholar presenting a paper exploring topics related to Jewish women and gender issues at the upcoming 54th Association of Jewish Studies Annual Meeting, this year in Boston in December 2022.
Deadline: 21 October 2022.
You can now listen to several Genizah podcasts.
You can now read the new volume of Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies 97.3 (2022) focusing on “Emerging Issues in Medieval Iberian Studies,” where also an article by Yosi Yisraeli and Yanai Israeli about “Defining “Conversos” in Fifteenth-Century Castile: The Making of a Controversial Category” is featured.
The Department of Religion at Dartmouth College invites applications for a full-time, tenure track appointment as Assistant Professor of Judaism. Appointment to begin as early as July 1, 2023. Applications are invited from qualified candidates who specialize in Judaism in any time period or geographical region, whose academic specialization lies in religion or in an academic discipline relating to the study of religion.
Application review will begin October 30, 2022, and continue until the position is filled.