The European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) invites applications to the Nahmanides Programme for 2024. The purpose of the Nahmanides Programme is to fund workshops addressing specific issues and problems relating to the teaching of academic Jewish Studies in Europe. It is named after the medieval scholar, rabbi, kabbalist and physician, Moses ben Nahman, commonly known as Nahmanides.
Continue reading EAJS Nahmanides Workshop ProgrammeMonthly Archives: June 2023
Session Series: Jewish/Non-Jewish Entanglements and Networks at IMC 2023 in Leeds
Monday 03 July 2023, 11.15-20.00, Leeds University and online
Continue reading Session Series: Jewish/Non-Jewish Entanglements and Networks at IMC 2023 in LeedsTalk: Spirituality and technological innovation in medieval Europe: the Cologne mikveh and monastic water systems by Neta Bodner and Tzafrir Barzilay
4 July 2023, 6.0o pm, Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln, Belgisches Haus, Cäcilienstraße 46, 50667 Köln
Medieval mikvahs were not only essential for the Jewish communities in Central Europe, but sometimes also technically highly sophisticated structures. The monumental shaft of the 12th-century Cologne mikveh, for example, reaches 16 m deep into the groundwater. In their evening lecture, Neta Bodner and Tzafrir Barzilay will explore similarities, differences and cross-relations between Jewish and Christian institutions. The public evening lecture takes place in the context of a scientific workshop on the medieval mikvah in Cologne.
Please register by 28 June 2023 at
Talk: Kajetan Holeček, “In the Shadow of Expulsion: The Socio-Topography of Jewish Credit Trade in Eger between 1430 and 1435,” 10 July 2023
Within the Colloquium “Arbeitskreis für Jüdische Geschichte des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit,” Kajetan Holeček will speak about “In the Shadow of Expulsion: The Socio-Topography of Jewish Credit Trade in Eger between 1430 and 1435” at Trier University, 18:15 CET.
For a Zoom link, please register with or
Workshop: “Toledo en la gestión de la nueva arquelogía judía en Europa”
September 12 and 13, 2023 at the Museo Sefardí in Toledo.
Seforim Chatter Podcast “Spanish Jewry Through the Ages,” Episode 2: With Prof. Benjamin Gampel – Broad themes and questions related to Spanish Jewry
Talk: Los conversos de Valencia: entre la continuidad y la integración (1391-1450), 29 June
Guillermo López Juan will deal with “Los conversos de Valencia: entre la continuidad y la integración (1391-1450)”, on June 29, Thursday, at 12:00h CET, at the room Julian Ribera of the CCHS. This session will be also broadcasted via Zoom: Room ID – 836 1009 3272; Password – 180021.
Talk: Anti-Judaism in Portugal Under the Avis Dynasty (1385-1495), 27 June
Ana Marques will speak about “Anti-Judaism in Portugal Under the Avis Dynasty (1385-1495)”. The session will take place on June 27, Tuesday, at the room Gili Gaya of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS) of the CSIC, at 11:00h CET. This session will be broadcasted via Zoom: Room ID – 829 686 1530; Password – 025743.
Genizah Research Unit at Cambridge University Library: Fragment of the Month June 2023
The oldest Hebrew manuscript dated by its colophon: a leaf of a Mishna manuscript with Babylonian vocalization in Toronto by Judith Olszowy-Schlanger
New post on the Miqua blog: Kleiner Exkurs durch die Musik im Mittelalter – Eine Ofenbekrönung aus dem 14. Jh. in Form eines Fidlers by Ulrike Schikowski
The blog post deals with the figure of a fiddler on a 14th century stove tile recovered from a cellar that adjoined the Jewish hospital to the west. It is therefore quite possible to place it in the immediate context of the hospital. The fires during the pogrom in 1349 caused the glaze to melt.