Monthly Archives: November 2023

Online Talk: Paola Tartakoff, “Mendicant Jewish Converts and Miracle Stories around the Medieval Pyrenees,” Brandeis University, Tauber Institute, 5 December 2023

The Tauber Institute welcomes Paola Tartakoff of Rutgers University to the Jewish Studies Colloquium. She will present her paper “Mendicant Jewish Converts and Miracle Stories around the Medieval Pyrenees” at 12:45pm on December 5, 2023 in Lown 315 and stream live on Zoom.

The event is free and open to the public, and a light kosher lunch will be served at 12:30pm. 

Goldin Family Postdoctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies 2024-25, University of Pennsylvania

The Program in Jewish Studies at the University of Pennsylvania announces the Goldin Postdoctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies for the 2024-2025 academic year. This fellowship is open to scholars in all fields of Jewish Studies, broadly conceived; preference will be given to applicants who strengthen and/or complement the intellectual interests of the faculty and its research activities. The program is open to a variety of approaches to Jewish Studies and seeks a scholar who possesses both an expansive conception of the field and demonstrates a willingness to work closely with colleagues and students.

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16th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, Institute of Jewish Studies – University of Antwerp16th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, 23 May 2024

The Institute of Jewish Studies organizes for the sixteenth time an interdisciplinary conference at the University of Antwerp concerning Jewish Studies on the Low Countries. The purpose of the conference is to facilitate contacts between researchers working within this area of study. We especially encourage young researchers to participate in the workshop. We also hope for contributions from more established researchers, in order to create a positive exchange between different research generations. We particularly invite papers and/or sessions that are explicitly comparative in character, and welcome themes and disciplines within Jewish Studies concerning the Low Countries. Proposals need not be limited to a specific historical period and presentations may include work in progress. Both individual and panel proposals are possible. The conference language is English. Please note that the conference organizers cannot provide financial support to cover travel and accommodation of presenters or participants. Please submit an abstract of maximally 400 words and a short CV by 15 January 2024.

Continue reading 16th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, Institute of Jewish Studies – University of Antwerp16th Contact Day Jewish Studies on the Low Countries, 23 May 2024

Lecture series: Bilder von Juden – Der Ritualmordprozess gegen die Trienter Juden und seine Nachwirkungen

Vortragsreihe des Arbeitskreis Jüdisches Schwaben (AKJS)
Universität Tübingen, Hegelbau, Wilhelmstraße 36, 72070 Tübingen

Beginn jeweils 19:00 Uhr

Aktuelle antisemitische Zerrbilder haben lange Wurzeln in der Geschichte des vormodernen Antisemitismus. Es sind Fake News, toxische Bilder von verhängnisvoller Wirkmacht, auch wenn sich der Judenhass der Moderne von den ursprünglich religiösen Motiven gelöst hat. Eines der gefährlichsten Bilder transportiert die Ritualmordverleumdung. Seit dem Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts verbreitete sich das Narrativ über England, Italien und Frankreich im deutschen Sprachraum. Großen Anteil daran hat der von 1475 bis 1478 geführte Ritualmord-Prozess gegen die Juden von Trient.

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Simon and Ethel Flegg Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Jewish Studies, McGill University

The Department of Jewish Studies at McGill University invites applications for the Simon and Ethel Flegg Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Montreal. The fellowship is for the 2024-25 academic year (August 28, 2024-August 15, 2025). Scholars in all fields of Jewish Studies are encouraged to apply.

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