The Department of Jewish Art at Bar-Ilan University invites prospective doctoral candidates to apply for the highly-prized President’s Fellowship beginning in the spring semester of the 2023-4 academic year. The four-year fellowship covers tuition and provides a monthly stipend for living expenses.
Continue reading Department of Jewish Art Ph.D. Scholarship Announcement, Spring Semester 2024Monthly Archives: February 2024
Bad calculations: another missing link in the history of the rabbinic calendar
Read Sacha Stern’s post about “Bad calculations: another missing link in the history of the rabbinic calendar” via the Blog of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit.
David Nirenberg recienig the Leopold Lucas Prize
Congratulations to David Nirenberg for winning the Leopold Lucas Prize of Tübungen University.
Conference: “Considering Jewish Expulsions in the Middle Ages” (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 12–13 March, 2024)
New book – Frankish Jerusalem: The Transformation of a Medieval City in the Latin East, by Anna Gutgarts
Cambridge University Press, February 2024
Promotionsstipendien Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk e.V.
Zwischen dem 1. und 31. März 2024 können Sie sich für ein Stipendium ab 1. Oktober 2024 bewerben. Für die Aufnahme in die Promovierendenförderung können sich fachlich ausgewiesene jüdische Promovierende aus allen Themenbereichen und allen Disziplinen (Ausnahme: Dissertationen mit dem Abschluss Dr. med.) bewerben sowie Promovierende, die zu jüdischen Themen forschen.
Talk by Rebecca J. W. Jefferson: Rescue or Ransack? Unraveling the Complexities of the Cairo Geniza Chain of Custody, 28 February 2024
How did the transfer of Cairo Geniza fragments from Egypt to Western institutions impact our understanding of the Jewish practice of geniza, of storing away unused documents? What does the Cairo Geniza discovery story reveal about Eastern and Western attitudes toward Jewish heritage materials? And how did the subsequent treatment of geniza fragments by libraries and museums obfuscate their chain of custody and perpetuate myths about this storied repository?
W3 substitute professorship “Jewish History and Culture” (LMU Munich)
A temporary substitute professorship (W3) for Jewish history and culture (m/f/d) is available at the Faculty of History and Art for the winter semester 2024/25 up to and including the summer semester 2028 (August 31, 2028).
The deadline for applications is 31 March 2024.
Leo Baeck Fellowship 2024/25
“We are happy to advertise the international Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme 2024/2025 (German academic year October 2024-September 2025). We invite applications from PhD students who carry out research into the German-Jewish Studies on history and culture. The programme is jointly organised by the Leo Baeck Institute London, the Leibniz-Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow in Leipzig and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Our programme is open to PhD candidates worldwide. The deadline for application is March 1st, 2024.”We are happy to advertise the international Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme 2024/2025 (German academic year October 2024-September 2025). We invite applications from PhD students who carry out research into the German-Jewish Studies on history and culture. The programme is jointly organised by the Leo Baeck Institute London, the Leibniz-Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow in Leipzig and the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Our programme is open to PhD candidates worldwide. The deadline for application is March 1st, 2024.
Continue reading Leo Baeck Fellowship 2024/25Online Event: Rashi and Troyes Memory and Place in 21st Century Europe
March 14, 2024, 18:00 – 19:30
For 1,000 years, the teachings of the Jewish scholar and innovative commentator Rashi of Troyes have shaped our humanist, moral and legal values. There is now an initiative to have Rashi and the wider region where he was active in France recognized by the European Heritage Label.
A Public Interest Group has been constituted by the State, the City of Troyes, the Department of Aube, the Region Grand-Est and the Central Consistoire of France to prepare the candidacy for the European Heritage Label designation. The originality of this project to connect the local and regional level where the lack of material artefacts has favored artistic creation and the development of new educational resources and environmentally sustainable tourist networks, with national and international initiatives.
Delphine Yagüe, the Director, and Professor Josef Konvitz, coordinator of the scientific advisory committee for the GIP project, will describe some of the current and planned innovative activities which highlight the European dimension of the site, attracting youth, contributing to the fight against antisemitism, and connecting with the activities of other European Heritage Label sites.