Monthly Archives: August 2024

New Volume of Ars Judaica: Special Issue – Revealing the Object

Ars Judaica: The Bar Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 19, Number 1

Introduction by Naomi Feuchtwanger-Sarig

The decision to dedicate a special issue of Ars Judaica to objects is driven by a recognition of their value in the broader context of Jewish history, culture, and visual expression. This collection of articles unravels multifaceted layers of meaning embedded within these artifacts, offering insights into religious practices, artistic expressions, and communal identities. Through academic exploration and analysis, this issue seeks to foster a deeper appreciation for material heritage within the field of Jewish Studies. The realm of Jewish visual representation is both expansive and flexible, encompassing a broad array of artistic expression. The long and meandering history of the Jewish people as well as developing religious and cultural practices continuously shaped their visual culture. Scholars variously traced the borders of Jewish art history as a discipline, some questioning the existence of any clear boundaries. Our current focus is on how objects are concomitant with ritual and liturgy, and how they were designed to fulfill both individual and communal religious needs.

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Database: Elyonim veTachtonim. System of Analysis of Supernatural Entities

Have a look at this new database, which “a customizable system of the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the textual accounts featuring supernatural entities understood according to the cognitive science of religion with an emphasis on the cognitive metaphors used in the description of their appearance and behavior, especially vis-à-vis human actors. The central tool of this analysis is the database, which functions primarily as a convenient thematic concordance and a repository of systematically annotated data.”

Conference: Jewish Cemeteries in Premodern Europe: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

08.09.2024 – 11.09.2024, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen

Internationale Auftakttagung des Akademienprojekts „Steinerne Zeugen digital. Deutsch-jüdische Sepulkralkultur zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne – Raum, Form, Inschrift“.

Im vergangenen Jahr hat das Langzeitvorhaben „Steinerne Zeugen digital. Deutsch-jüdische Sepulkralkultur zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne – Raum, Form, Inschrift“ im Forschungsprogramm der deutschen Wissenschaftsakademien die Arbeit aufgenommen. Es wird vom Salomon Ludwig Steinheim-Institut für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte an der Universität Duisburg-Essen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Professur für Judaistik und dem Kompetenzzentrum Denkmalwissenschaften und Denkmaltechnologien der Universität Bamberg durchgeführt und von Lucia Raspe, Mona Hess und Susanne Talabardon gemeinsam geleitet.

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Job: Open-Rank Tenure-Track Administrative/Faculty Position in Jewish Studies, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles Campus, invites applications for a tenure-track administrative and Jewish studies teaching position, to begin on January 1, 2025, or July 1, 2025 (January preferred). The discipline and rank are open; Associate Professor or Professor preferred.