Monthly Archives: October 2024

25. Arye-Maimon-Vortrag 2024: Marion Aptroot, Amsterdam als Zentrum des Jiddischen in der Frühen Neuzeit

Das Arye Maimon-Institut und der Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte mit Schwerpunkt in der Jüdischen Geschichte lädt herzlich zum 25. Arye Maimon-Vortrag ein! Wir freuen uns auf Marion Aptroot (Düsseldorf) und ihren Vortrag über “Amsterdam als Zentrum des Jiddischen in der Frühen Neuzeit”.

Mittwoch, 30.10.2024, 18.15 Uhr, HS 2 und via zoom

Meeting-ID: 613 7445 8115
Kenncode: 3eZjMxGS

University of Virginia Jewish Studies Visiting PhD Student Fellowship Competition

According to their call, “the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Virginia announces its Visiting Ph.D. Student Fellowship Competition. Fellowships are intended to allow advanced Ph.D. students from any academic discipline working on topics in Jewish Studies to spend three or four weeks, typically, as a visiting graduate fellow at the University of Virginia. During their visit, students will work in their specific areas with Jewish Studies affiliated faculty, present their work in-progress at the Jewish Studies graduate colloquium and/or in a public presentation, and be part of a vibrant academic community. Fellows will also have access to the university’s extensive library collection.”

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Jewish Theology and Culture, University of Notre Dame

According to their call, “the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame is offering a two-year postdoctoral fellowship that will begin on July 1, 2025. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in hand by July 1, 2025. (The degree must have been awarded no earlier than 2021). Candidates may specialize in any domain of Jewish theology and culture. Special consideration will be given to candidates whose research agenda complements existing departmental and university strengths.”

Deadline: 13. December 2024.

Symposium on “The Golden Age of Karaism”

The Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University, and the chair for Jewish culture in Islamic countries and for the study of the Genizah named after Yosef Vassil Meiser, are pleased to invite you to a symposium marking the publication of the book “The Golden Age of Karaism. A Hebrew Anthology of Karaite Literature from the Ninth to the Twelfth Centuries”.

The event will take place on Monday, November 11, 2024, in Room 496, Gilman Building, at Tel Aviv University and will also be recorded and broadcast live. The event will be held in Hebrew.