Monthly Archives: January 2025

13th Annual ucLADINO Judeo-Spanish Conference (Zoom), 2 April 2025

According the the annoucement, “the ucLADINO conference supports and celebrates the growing preservation of Ladino language and culture in the Judeo-Spanish diaspora. The theme for this year’s ucLADINO conference centers around Ladino in and beyond the home, exploring language and culture in domestic spaces and in migration. How has Ladino taken shape within domestic worlds and how has Ladino adapted in transit, carried from one home to the next?”

Talk: Nicolò Bucaria, Monte San Giuliano. Eine kleine jüdische Gemeinde in Westsizilien im späten Mittelalter

3 February 2025

Within the Colloquium “Arbeitskreis für Jüdische Geschichte des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit,” Nicolò Bucaria (Luxemburg) will speak about “Monte San Giuliano. Eine kleine jüdische Gemeinde in Westsizilien im späten Mittelalter” at Trier University, 18:15 CET. For a Zoom link, please register with or

AAJR Baron Book Prize

According to their call, “the American Academy for Jewish Research invites submissions for the Salo Wittmayer Baron Book Prize.  The Baron Book Prize ($3,000) is awarded annually to the author of an outstanding first book in Jewish studies.

Eligibility:  An academic book in English, in any area of Jewish studies published in calendar year 2024. The work must be the author’s first scholarly book. Authors must have received their Ph.D. within the previous ten years, no earlier than 2014.”

Deadline: 31 January 2025.